You can also exchange resources whenever a bulk goods trader comes to town. You can craft all fabric and rare metals into artwork or items your colonists can use or sell. If things are looking too flush, look for ways to cut down on your excess goods. You can check your wealth at any time via the History tab. This mechanic is a great reminder to avoid stockpiling resources and overextending your base. Raid strength is based partly on how long you’ve been playing a particular settlement, but mostly on your current wealth. The best raid defense by far is reducing the number of raiders that want to break into your base.

| Image: Ludeon Studios via HGG / Nathan Hart Wealth Management & Diplomacy Silver can’t buy happiness, but it can buy ammo. This includes advice on special fortifications, trap strategies, and ways to avoid raids in the first place.
We’ll kick off our RimWorld defense guide by discussing how to prepare your base for incoming raids. Luckily, we’ve put together this RimWorld defense guide to help you create the best defense setup and keep your settlement safe. You’ll need a strong defense to survive everything RimWorld throws at you. And what kind of space dystopia would be complete without hostile raiders, killer robots, and carnivorous giant bugs? The recent Biotech expansion gave each of these aforementioned threats their own unique flavors you’ll have to contend with. Soon enough, I get stuck in RimWorld again.RimWorld is a storytelling sandbox game about a group of far-future humans struggling to survive in a hostile alien world. I’ll remember that strategy I’ve been meaning to try, then start to fall in love with a new group of pawns. I didn’t play for six months after that.īut the insidious temptation grows as the memory of bitter defeat fades. I was sure the game before this was going to be my glorious triumph, but a raider with a Doomsday rocket launcher knew different. When it all goes wrong, I have to take a break. These days I don’t play regularly, because the painful nature of colony implosions is intense. Now imagine a space pirate kicking in the door and shooting them in the guts. Think of all the time you might sink into your favorite Sims character, building up their career, designing a great house, furnishing and decorating it, clothing and styling them. I’ve seldom felt such grief when a game character dies. The fact that death is permanent elevates RimWorld.
They develop new skills and forget old skills they don’t use enough they pick up scars, both physical and mental they craft unique art and watch TV they get worse at negotiating when stoned they fall out and make up again they get married and divorced they have affairs they do your bidding some of the time they have psychotic breaks when things get too bleak they get inspired when they’re happy and they die … a lot. I get attached to my colonists, or pawns, as players often call them. But the heart of the game is your colony and the people that live there. You can trade and make allies, complete missions, give gifts to win favor, and call in help when you need it most. There’s also a wider world of guard posts and settlements, where stashes await amid competing tribes. It’s perversely comical to see pegleg Joe hobble back into town with the next raid.

You can give your enemies wooden legs, then send them home for a relations boost. Captured raiders are an opportunity for much-needed surgery practice. Some morally questionable strategies are simply too rewarding to pass up.